Jumat, 09 Juli 2010
Rabu, 05 Mei 2010
Senin, 03 Mei 2010
- Processor : Intel Atom N270 1.6GHz
- Display : 10.2" LCD
- HardDisk : 160 Gb 2.5" SATA
- Memory : 1 Gb DDR2
- Wireless : 802.11 B/G
- Card Reader : SD/MMC/MS
- Camera : 1.3 Megapixel
- LAN : 10/100 Mbps
- Size : 19 x 9.5 x 4 cm
- Weight : 1.4 Kg
- O/S Support : Win XP, Win Vista, Linux
Rabu, 21 April 2010
all about www.comeanddate.com
1. what is www.comeanddate.com?
Www.comeanddate.com site is a dating site that offers something quite unique. besides we can find a friend or spouse may be there, we can also make money with affiliate program offered
2. How do we get a bonus?
Bonuses received was quite interesting and quite large. Only by sponsoring 1 person only, we are given a bonus $ 1, at level 2 we get $ 0.75, at level 3 we get $ 0.5, at level 4, we get $ 0.5 as well, and at level 5 we get $ 0.25 ..
Just imagine if in level 1 we get 10 people, and each person on level 1 is also sponsoring 10 people. Totalbonus we get for $ 30,585
3. How do we pay bonuses?
Bonuses will be paid automatically to BCA account or paypal account to us every 1st - 10th of each month.
4. How The steps follow the affiliate program?
Enroll you in the free member first. Do not forget to fill in for Indonesian BCA account number and Paypal if you want to be paid with Dollar.
Join the Gold Member first before starting an affiliate program by filling date of the transfer to the account admin.
After confirm the payment by the admin of www.dateanddate.com then we can join the program by clicking affiliatenya affiliate menu, then fill in our sponsorship user name (if it does not have a sponsor, can be random)
5. Do we get a link for promotion?
Each user will get webreplika affiliate that can be used for promotion
6. Is this www.comeanddate.com site is a scam site?
Admin original names in the BCA account number. so we can be sure this is not a scam site
7. What could be www.comeanddate.com passive income?
VERY CAN ..! gold activation member is only valid 1 year only. But if we extend the period of activation and the downline we also extend the period of activation, then the bonus will be paid back in accordance with the level that extends the user-level activation.
8. What does it cost to join at the Gold Member?
Only $5 only
9. What privileges Gold Member?
besides we can follow the affiliate program, Gold members have an interesting chat service. We can chat globally (there are 3 rooms default), private message, even our own can make room for a chat conference Read More...
Www.comeanddate.com site is a dating site that offers something quite unique. besides we can find a friend or spouse may be there, we can also make money with affiliate program offered
2. How do we get a bonus?
Bonuses received was quite interesting and quite large. Only by sponsoring 1 person only, we are given a bonus $ 1, at level 2 we get $ 0.75, at level 3 we get $ 0.5, at level 4, we get $ 0.5 as well, and at level 5 we get $ 0.25 ..
Just imagine if in level 1 we get 10 people, and each person on level 1 is also sponsoring 10 people. Totalbonus we get for $ 30,585
3. How do we pay bonuses?
Bonuses will be paid automatically to BCA account or paypal account to us every 1st - 10th of each month.
4. How The steps follow the affiliate program?
Enroll you in the free member first. Do not forget to fill in for Indonesian BCA account number and Paypal if you want to be paid with Dollar.
Join the Gold Member first before starting an affiliate program by filling date of the transfer to the account admin.
After confirm the payment by the admin of www.dateanddate.com then we can join the program by clicking affiliatenya affiliate menu, then fill in our sponsorship user name (if it does not have a sponsor, can be random)
5. Do we get a link for promotion?
Each user will get webreplika affiliate that can be used for promotion
6. Is this www.comeanddate.com site is a scam site?
Admin original names in the BCA account number. so we can be sure this is not a scam site
7. What could be www.comeanddate.com passive income?
VERY CAN ..! gold activation member is only valid 1 year only. But if we extend the period of activation and the downline we also extend the period of activation, then the bonus will be paid back in accordance with the level that extends the user-level activation.
8. What does it cost to join at the Gold Member?
Only $5 only
9. What privileges Gold Member?
besides we can follow the affiliate program, Gold members have an interesting chat service. We can chat globally (there are 3 rooms default), private message, even our own can make room for a chat conference Read More...
Kamis, 15 April 2010
PC Station Telebit
PC station TELEBIT
1. Apa itu telebit net computer/ pc station?
* telebit net computer / pc station adalah alat penganti cpu.
cocok untuk warnet, lab komputer, sekolah, perkantoran
2. apa keunggulan nya?
* Hemat Listrik, hanya membutuhkan kurang lebih 5 Watt
* Hemat Biaya, tidak perlu membeli banyak CPU. cukup dengan 1 cpu anda bisa menggunakan sampai 30 monitor, dengan membuka aplikasi yang berbeda di setiap monitor nya.
* Hemat Tempat, ukuran yang kecil dan tipis, bisa di simpan di belakang monitor/ lcd anda.
* Hemat Biaya Perbaikan. pc station tidak menggunakan hardisk, ram, dan cpu lagi. Anda dapat
memangkas biaya untuk perbaikan CPU komputer yang cukup mahal.
*Hemat Biaya Software. cukup menginstall software di cpu server satu kali saja, anda bisa menggunakan bersamaan untuk 30 orang.
3. apakah tidak diperlukan cpu lagi?
*hanya menggunakan 1 cpu di komputer server, sedangkan di komputer client cukup di tambah monitor, keyboard,speaker/headphone, kabel lan dan mouse.
1 monitor client, dipasang 1 telebit pc station/ net computer.
4. kekurangan nya apa?
*Tidak bisa dipakai untuk Game online. resolusi hanya sampai 16 bit.
5. operating system yg di gunakan apa?
* windows xp atau linux
6. apakah cpu di server harus menggunakan cpu yg bagus?
* apabila menggunakan:
1 unit = minimal Pentium4 1,8 ghz memori 256 mb
2-3 unit = minimal pentium4 2,4ghz memori 512 mb 4-7 unit = minimal pentium4 3,2ghz memori 1gb 8-10 unit = minimal dual core 2.0ghz memori 2gb 11-20 unit = minimal dual core 2.6ghz memori 3 gb 21-30 unit = minimal xeon 2.8ghz memori 4gb
7. resolusi layar yang ditampilkan bagaimana?
* 1280x1024, 1024x768, 800x600, 16-bit colour.
8. apakah ada port untuk flash disk atau usb?
* untuk type nc 220 ada port untuk usb
9. bagaimana cara menghubungkan pc station ke server nya?
* misalkan anda mempunyai 10 komputer client, setiap monitor client dipasang 1 pc station, dari pc station di hubungkan melalui lan. kabel lan dari 10 komputer tersebut di hubungkan ke switch hub, dari switch hub di sambungkan ke cpu server menggunakan kabel lan lagi.
10. kalo client memasukkan flashdisk, apakah isi flashdisk akan terlihat oleh client lain?
* tidak, kecuali flashdisk di masukkan ke cpu server, maka akan terlihat oleh seluruh client.
11. billing untuk warnet yang support, billing apa?
* untuk masalah billing silahkan di konsultasikan ke masing-masing pembuat billing. untuk saat ini banyak billing yg sudah support pc station.
12. garansi nya berapa lama?
* garansi dari telebit 1 tahun.
13. apakah penyetingan pc station cukup sulit?
* cukup mudah, ikuti buku petunjuk yg diberikan. pastikan meng uninstall atau men disable fire wall dan anti virus terlebih dahulu, sebelum melakukan install software nya.
14. saya tertarik membeli telebit nc -220, berapa harga nya?
* telebit net computer tanpa usb : Rp 725.000
* Telebit net computer dg fasilitas usb: Rp 950.000
15. minimal pemesanan berapa unit?
* 1 unit
16. apakah ada discount untuk pembelian lebih dari 1 unit?
* untuk pembelian minimal 30 unit, akan diberikan potongan harga.
17. kelengkapan yang diberikan, apa saja?
* Dus, Buku Garansi, Buku Panduan, dudukan, baut untuk dudukan, cd instalasi, adaptor. Kondisi Baru.
18. bagaimana cara pemesanan nya?
*Hubungi: Lukman Gelar Hidayat
Phone: 085720062620 (Bandung, jawa barat, indonesia)
email : lukmangelarhidayat@yahoo. Com
19. bagaimana cara pembayaran nya?
*Melalui transfer Bank Bca.
No.Rekening: 1561 4557 46
atas nama: Lukman Gelar Hidayat
bca cabang: sunda mall Bandung
20. bagaimana cara pengiriman barangnya?
*Melalui TIKI,biaya tergantung lokasi tempat anda tinggal.
setelah melakukan pembayaran, secepatnya hubungi kami. segera kami kirimkan barang pesanan, dan akan di informasikan no resi atau no pengiriman dari TIKI untuk pengecekan barang.
untuk lokasi Bandung, minimal pemesanan 10 unit, gratis ongkos kirim.
21. apakah aman transaksi melalui internet?
* aman, kami terdaftar di tokobagus.com, sebagai verified member. Dimana alamat kami sudah di cek kebenaran nya oleh pihak tokobagus.com. dan sudah banyak pelanggan kami di seluruh indonesia, yang telah memesan dan barang pasti akan kami kirimkan. Apabila terjadi sesuatu yang tidak diharapkan, bisa cek lokasi kami di : Bunda Store jl. maleber utara no. 36 Andir Bandung 40184 , jawa barat, indonesia.
22. apakah saya bisa menjual lagi produk ini?
*iya silahkan, kami membuka peluang bagi anda yang ingin menjual kembali produk telebit. untuk reseller silahkan bisa menghubungi kami, minimal pemesanan 10 unit, ada discount untuk reseller. Read More...
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